
If you've cloned someone else's repository, made changes, and now want to push the entire folder (including the changes) to your own Git repository, here’s how to do it step-by-step:

1. Create a New Repository in Your GitHub Account

  • Go to your GitHub account.

  • Create a new repository (let’s call it my-new-repo).

  • Do not initialize the repository with a README, .gitignore, or license.

2. Update the Remote URL

Change the remote URL of the cloned repository to point to your new repository. Run the following command inside the folder of the cloned repository:

git remote set-url origin<your-username>/my-new-repo.git

Replace <your-username> with your GitHub username and my-new-repo.git with the name of your new repository.

3. Add All Changes

Add all the changes you’ve made to the staging area:

git add .

4. Commit the Changes

Commit the changes with an appropriate commit message:

git commit -m "Initial commit with changes from the cloned repository"

5. Push to Your Repository

Push all the changes to your new GitHub repository:

git push -u origin main

If your branch is not named main, replace it with the name of your branch.

6. Verify

Go to your GitHub repository page and check if all the changes have been successfully pushed.

Alternative Approach (If the Original Repository Has a Lot of Git History)

If you don’t want the history of the original repository, you can remove the .git folder and initialize a fresh repository:

  1. Navigate to the cloned repository's folder:
    cd <cloned-repo-folder>

  2. Remove the .git folder:
    rm -rf .git

  3. Initialize a new Git repository:
    git init

  4. Add your remote repository:
    git remote add origin<your-username>/my-new-repo.git

  5. Add and commit all files:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit with changes"

  6. Push the files to your new repository:
    git push -u origin main